“Awesome people make awesome companies.”

“Agile” – the latest buzz word – so what comes afterwards? Is there an afterwards? The answer is a definite, “Yes!” It is here already, so what does it look like?

Agile is not reserved for the IT Industry only. It is a way of being; of thinking; of making decisions; of acting; of learning; of growing – whether in your personal life; social life or professional life. The main criteria to achieve this state is to be mindful, conscious of your surrounds and circumstances in the present moment. Your mind will be creative, your heart will guide and your intuition will mobilise you and wise decisions will result.

Let’s start at the beginning…….

Agile was introduced to change the approach in IT for many reasons. Has it been successful? That is the ongoing debate. What would this success look like?

IT Agile would require:

HR to align with Talent Management demands i.e. Roles instead of Job Descriptions. Roles should be fluid to add value to achieve delivery. This will lead to innovation which provides the competitive edge in a very competitive world.

Incremental learning and growth in Roles for IT people will counter boredom and attrition and lead to sustainability. Roles to be adapted financially based on the value that is added i.e. a matrix structure for Role Value. The cost of attrition is exorbitant as any Executive will know.

Performance Management for Roles – should this not be “agile” in its basic form? Measure on output, delivery, innovation, value, growth, learning, etc. Should it also be incremental per scenario moving away from the formal, periodic method? Would this lead to ever achieving team members and teams?

True leadership for team members and teams during cycles of success and failure. No judgement, fail fast and learn quickly is governed by trust, honesty and confidence. Collaboration, courage, respect and resilience are key regardless of any person’s station in the company.

How to achieve this………

Looking back at any time in one’s life, we stand amazed at “how we have changed!” Our adaptability is one of our most precious characteristics and our conditioning throughout our lives influences our approach to change and our behaviour. Is there a way, a tool to enhance this innate capability of any individual? The answer is, “Yes.” The brain has the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. The tools used to engage this human capability are Neuro and mBIT Coaching.

Neuro and mBIT Coaching are cutting edge techniques that help individuals and teams achieve at their highest levels and expectations in a short period of time and is sustainable because the neural pathways of the brain change to develop and establish new behaviour.

“Your personality is the greatest differentiator you have.” Sally Hogshead